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Antisemitism Thrives on TikTok Despite Moderation Efforts

Original Title

TikTok’s Spiral of Antisemitism

  • Journalism and Media
  • ES | PT
  • 2:58 Min.


Antisemitism, the hatred and discrimination against Jewish people, continues to be a significant problem both publicly and through acts of violence. In 2020, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reported a record-high 2,024 antisemitic incidents in the United States. This trend has only worsened, with a 75% increase in antisemitism during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in May 2021.

Social media platforms, including the popular video-sharing app

, have become breeding grounds for the spread of hate speech, misinformation, and incitements of violence. Despite claims by TikTok to moderate such content, users continue to publish prohibited material, and the platform's
may even be contributing to the problem by pushing users towards more disturbing content.

TikTok: The Platform, Audiences and Content

, a Chinese-owned video-sharing app, has experienced rapid growth since its launch in 2016, becoming one of the most popular non-game apps worldwide. The platform's user-friendly features, such as the ability to create and share short videos with a range of special effects and editing options, have made it particularly appealing to a young, Gen Z audience.


has also made the platform attractive to extremist, racist, and radical groups, exposing its young users to a variety of harmful content, including antisemitic and
propaganda. Despite the platform's terms of service stating that users must be over the age of 13, TikTok is widely used by children and teenagers, raising concerns about its potential to negatively impact this vulnerable user base.

TikTok's Algorithm

-driven "For You" page is designed to keep users engaged and entertained by providing a personalized stream of video content based on their interactions, video information, and device/account settings. This
recommendation system
can create an "
anaesthetic effect
," where users consume content for long periods without full awareness.

However, the algorithm's ability to push users towards more of the same content, even if it is disturbing or harmful, can create a dangerous spiral of hate and violence that TikTok must address.

Old and New Antisemitism

Antisemitism is a longstanding and adaptable form of prejudice against Jews, rooted in conspiracy theories and hostile beliefs. While traditional

has taken various forms over time, a "
new antisemitism
" has emerged in recent decades, which targets the state of Israel and
rather than Jews directly.

This new form of

often manifests online, through Holocaust denial, promotion of violence against Jews, and criticism of Israel that is tantamount to hatred of Jews. To address this evolving threat, the
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
has provided a working definition of
, which encompasses both direct hatred of Jews as well as more indirect forms of bias.

Antisemitism on TikTok

Researchers found that

is prevalent on the
platform, with extremists exploiting the platform's young audience and lax security to spread hate speech, including
content with antisemitic and racist elements.

Concerning trends have emerged on TikTok, such as the "

" where users pretended to be Holocaust victims, and the use of the "Expressify" filter to exaggerate facial features while singing about money, wealth, and greed, which play into traditional antisemitic stereotypes.


Researchers found that

on TikTok was expressed through various formats, including posts, comments, hashtags, and usernames. Memes containing antisemitic tropes, such as the "Happy Merchant" meme, were commonly used to spread hatred. User handles and display names also frequently contained Holocaust denial, accusations of Jewish control, or calls for harming Jews.

The researchers also observed that a substantial amount of

on TikTok was disguised as criticism of Israel or Holocaust denial, which is a form of
that claims the Holocaust was invented or exaggerated by Jews to advance their interests. This type of
is considered a form of "new
," which targets the state of Israel and
rather than Jews directly.

Over time, the researchers noted an increase in user awareness of the prevalence of antisemitic content on TikTok, with some users purposefully misspelling words like "Jews" as "juice" to avoid detection and account deletion by the platform's hate speech policies.


Despite TikTok's claims of zero tolerance for

, the platform continues to be a breeding ground for such content, with the company failing to effectively remove reported and unreported posts and comments expressing hatred towards Jewish people. TikTok's
, which can push users towards more disturbing content, is a particularly concerning feature that sets it apart from other social media platforms.

The broader challenge of addressing

on social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, underscores the need for more effective content moderation and the implementation of robust measures to combat the spread of hate speech and misinformation.