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Robotic Skin Anchors Inspired by Human Ligaments

Original Title

Perforation-type anchors inspired by skin ligament for robotic face covered with living skin

  • Elsevier BV


Robots are becoming increasingly advanced, with the goal of developing

humanoid robots
that can operate in complex environments and interact with people in a natural way. A key challenge in this field is creating robot skin that can mimic the comprehensive biological functions of human skin, including the ability to
. This research explores a novel approach to attaching living skin to the face of a robot, using a special type of anchor inspired by the structure of human skin

Research Purpose and Motivation

The researchers aimed to develop "

perforation-type anchors
" that can securely attach living skin to the underlying structure of a robotic face. Current methods for molding skin-like materials onto robots often lack an effective anchoring mechanism, leading to skin deformation and damage when the robot is exposed to external forces. By taking inspiration from the way human skin is attached to the body through ligaments, the researchers hoped to create a more robust and versatile way to cover a robot's face with living skin.

Methodology and Study Design

The researchers used several techniques to develop and evaluate the perforation-type anchors:

Plasma Treatment

They first treated the anchors with a water-vapor-based plasma to improve the

of the surface and enhance the penetration of the
collagen-based gel
used to create the
skin equivalent

Anchor Size Evaluation

The researchers then tested perforation-type anchors of different diameters (1 mm, 3 mm, and 5 mm) to see how well they could suppress the natural contraction of the skin equivalent. They found that the 3 mm anchors provided the best balance, with the 5 mm anchors actually leading to more contraction due to the increased proportion of anchor area.

Tensile Testing

To measure the anchoring strength between the skin equivalent and the device, the researchers performed tensile tests. They found that increasing the number of anchors made the skin tissue more resilient to

tensile stress
. Computer simulations further revealed the importance of balancing
anchor density
deformation tolerance
in the anchor design.

3D Facial Device and Robotic Face

Using the perforation-type anchors, the researchers successfully covered a 3D facial device and a robotic face with skin equivalents. The skin was able to maintain a uniform thickness and smooth surface, with only slight variations due to the contours of the 3D structures.

Material Characterization

The researchers analyzed the material properties of the

dermis equivalent
and collagen used in the skin equivalents. While they found similar
viscoelastic properties
to human dermis tissue, the
dynamic modulus
was lower, indicating the skin equivalents were more flexible.

Main Conclusions and Implications

The key findings of this research are:

  1. Perforation-type anchors inspired by skin ligaments are a crucial component in securely attaching living skin to 3D robotic structures.
  2. The size, density, and arrangement of the anchors must be carefully designed to optimize anchoring performance and accommodate the specific characteristics of the coverage area.
  3. The self-healing capability of skin equivalents covered by perforation-type anchors requires further investigation.
  4. This approach enables the development of robotic faces with living skin coverings that can mimic the properties and behavior of human skin, which has important implications for the field of humanoid robotics.

Relevance, Potential Impact, and Contributions

This research represents a significant advancement in the field of humanoid robotics by enabling the use of living skin coverings that can mimic the comprehensive biological functions of human skin. This has potential applications in the development of more natural-looking and interactive humanoid robots for various industries, such as healthcare, entertainment, and social robotics. Additionally, this work contributes to the broader scientific understanding of

tissue engineering
and the integration of biological materials with robotic systems.