In recent years, there has been a concerning trend of right-wing populist
Political movements or groups that appeal to the concerns and interests of ordinary people, often by criticizing or opposing the established political system, while promoting nationalist, anti-immigrant, or authoritarian views.
and extremist groups
Organizations or movements that hold extreme political or religious views and are often willing to use violence or other extreme measures to achieve their goals.
attempting to appropriate and reinterpret the concept of [religious freedom](# "The right of individuals and groups to freely practice and express their religious beliefs without interference or discrimination
The unfair or unequal treatment of individuals or groups based on their race, gender, religion, or other characteristics.
from the government or others.") for their own ideological purposes
The use of ideas, beliefs, or values to promote a particular political, social, or cultural agenda.
. This issue poses a significant challenge for churches and religious communities, who have a moral responsibility to address it.
The research discussed in this article examines how right-wing ideologies
Belief systems that emphasize traditional social and cultural values, nationalism, and a hierarchical social order, often in opposition to progressive or liberal ideas.
are often in fundamental contradiction with the basic teachings of many religions, and how churches and religious communities must take a stand against the distortion and misuse of religious freedom
The exploitation or distortion of the concept of religious freedom for political or ideological gain, often in a way that undermines the rights and freedoms of others.
by these groups.
Contradiction Between Right-Wing Ideologies and Religious Teachings
The research highlights that right-wing ideologies, such as those espoused by populist and extremist movements, are often at odds with the core values and principles of many religions. These ideologies frequently promote intolerance
A lack of acceptance or respect for views, beliefs, or practices that differ from one's own.
, discrimination, and the denial of human rights
Refusing to recognize or respect the basic rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to, such as the right to be treated fairly and with dignity.
– all of which are in direct opposition to the teachings of most major faiths.
Churches and religious communities, therefore, have a moral obligation to speak out against these right-wing narratives and to firmly reject any attempts to co-opt
To take control of or use something, like an idea or movement, for one's own purposes, often in a way that goes against the original intent.
or distort religious freedom
To misrepresent or change the meaning of the right to freely practice one's religion, often to support a particular political or ideological agenda.
for political gain. The research emphasizes that these institutions must not allow themselves to be taken over by populist parties
Political parties that claim to represent the interests of ordinary people against the elite or establishment.
that seek to undermine human rights and democracy.
Exploitation of Religious Freedom by Right-Wing Groups
The research also highlights how some right-wing, conservative, populist, and extremist groups that are affiliated with or based within churches are actively participating in the appropriation and reinterpretation of religious freedom
When a group or movement tries to change the meaning or understanding of the right to freely practice one's religion, often in a way that goes against the original intent of this freedom.
. These groups often try to exploit the susceptibility of certain Christian actors to populist arguments
Arguments or claims that appeal to the common people and their concerns, rather than to expert opinion or established facts.
, using Christian symbols and imagery in a decontextualized way to incorporate them into their misanthropic ideological frameworks
Belief systems that are hostile or contemptuous towards humanity, often promoting the idea that certain groups of people are inferior or undeserving of respect.
This exploitation of religious freedom
Using the concept of religious freedom to justify or promote ideas and actions that are actually harmful or discriminatory, rather than truly protecting people's right to practice their faith.
by right-wing groups is a concerning trend that churches and religious communities must be vigilant about. The research notes that if churches refuse to cooperate with or even criticize these right-wing movements, they are sometimes sharply attacked by the far right
Extremist political views and movements that are characterized by nationalism, authoritarianism, and the rejection of liberal democracy.
, who portray them as representatives of a "politicized" institutional church that has strayed from the "true" faith and the people.
The Responsibility of Christian Churches
Given the fundamental contradictions between right-wing ideologies and the teachings of many religions, the research emphasizes that Christian churches have a moral responsibility to not allow themselves to be taken over by populist parties that seek to distort or abolish human rights
To get rid of or remove the basic rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to, such as the right to life, liberty, and equality.
and democracy.
Churches must clearly and loudly contradict any anti-human rights statements
Statements or views that go against or are opposed to the basic rights and freedoms that all people should have.
and refuse to give a platform to ideas that fundamentally contradict the Christian image of the human being. The research argues that opposition from churches is urgently needed to counter the appropriation of Christian identity
When a group or movement tries to claim or take on the beliefs, symbols, or cultural aspects of Christianity for their own purposes, even if it goes against the true meaning of the religion.
and the reinterpretation of religious freedom by populist and far-right extremist
Individuals or groups that hold very conservative, nationalist, and intolerant political views, often involving hatred or discrimination towards certain groups.
Strategies for Churches
To effectively address this issue, the research suggests that churches should engage in educational and public relations work to strengthen a Christian position that takes a human rights approach in its commitment to freedom of religion or belief (FoRB)
The basic human right to freely choose, practice, and express one's religious or non-religious beliefs without fear of persecution or discrimination.
as a universal right.
Churches should also actively involve themselves in the broader public sphere, using their own information, initiatives, and continuous public relations efforts to leave no room for the instrumentalization of religious freedom
When a group or movement tries to use the idea of religious freedom for their own political or ideological purposes, rather than to genuinely protect people's right to practice their faith.
by right-wing groups. Additionally, churches should consciously seek dialogue with media representatives to address the media's tendency to reward polarization, sensationalism, and simplification.
The research also emphasizes the importance of real encounters and interreligious dialogue
Discussions and exchanges between people of different religions or faiths, with the goal of promoting understanding, respect, and cooperation between diverse religious communities.
, which can help address the insecurity and fear of the "foreign" that can breed populism and exclusion.
The Role of Interreligious Dialogue and Ecumenism
The research highlights the vital role of interreligious dialogue in countering the appropriation of religious freedom
When certain groups or ideologies try to claim or misuse the idea of religious freedom to promote their own agendas, even if those agendas go against the core principles of various religions.
by right-wing populist actors
Political leaders or groups that appeal to the common people by promoting nationalist, anti-establishment, and sometimes intolerant ideas.
. Interreligious dialogue gives the commitment to religious freedom greater credibility and a broader impact, and helps to foster curiosity and positive experiences between different groups.
Furthermore, the research emphasizes the importance of ecumenism
The movement or effort to promote unity and cooperation among different Christian denominations or churches.
, which represents diversity and offers spaces in which the acceptance of differences can be learned. This is particularly helpful in being alert to the appropriation of religious freedom by far-right extremist or right-wing populist actors. ecumenical learning
The process of gaining knowledge and understanding about the diversity of Christian denominations and their beliefs, with the goal of promoting unity and acceptance.
at the local level, where parishes engage with migrant churches
Churches or religious communities established by immigrants or refugees in a new country, often to serve the spiritual and cultural needs of their community.
, can change perceptions and strengthen awareness of the importance of religious freedom.
The research suggests that churches can strengthen and promote these interreligious and ecumenical programs, making them more visible in their communities and beyond. By doing so, churches can enable people to navigate the complexities of the modern world and avoid being influenced by populist and extremist narratives that seek to distort and misuse the concept of religious freedom.