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Revolutionizing AR/VR Displays: Emerging Technologies

Original Title

Augmented reality and virtual reality displays: emerging technologies and future perspectives

  • Light: Science & Applications

Introduction to Augmented and Virtual Reality Displays

Augmented reality (AR)
Virtual reality (VR)
are rapidly emerging as the next generation of interactive display technologies. These systems can provide users with vivid three-dimensional (3D) visual experiences, opening up new possibilities in fields like education, healthcare, engineering, and gaming. However, creating AR and VR displays that can match the exceptional performance of human vision while keeping the display module compact and lightweight poses significant challenges for optical engineers.

Fortunately, recent advancements in several key technologies are helping to address these challenges.

Holographic optical elements (HOEs)
, and
are among the innovations that are enhancing the capabilities of AR and VR displays, enabling features like wider fields of view, larger eyeboxes, improved angular resolution, and better depth cues.

Holographic Optical Elements for AR/VR Displays

Holographic optical elements (HOEs) are a particularly promising technology for AR and VR displays. HOEs offer unique properties that can be leveraged to improve display performance. They exhibit strong selectivity on wavelength and incident angle, allowing for precise control of the light wavefront. Additionally, HOEs can be multiplexed, meaning multiple holograms can be stored in a single element.

Liquid crystal HOEs (LCHOEs)
take this a step further by providing polarization dependency and active switching capabilities. This enables dynamic control over the optical properties of the HOE, opening up new possibilities for AR and VR systems.

By incorporating HOEs, display designers can address key challenges such as field of view, eyebox size, angular resolution, dynamic range, and depth cue reproduction. The selective and multiplexing abilities of HOEs allow for more compact and efficient optical designs compared to traditional refractive and reflective elements.

Metasurfaces and Micro-LEDs for Compact AR/VR Optics

In addition to HOEs, other emerging technologies are also contributing to the advancement of AR and VR displays. Metasurfaces, which are engineered surfaces with subwavelength-scale features, offer the ability to manipulate light in ways that traditional optical components cannot. Metasurfaces can be used to create compact, lightweight, and high-performance near-eye optics for AR and VR applications.

Micro-LEDs, which are light-emitting diodes with pixel sizes smaller than 100 micrometers, are another promising technology for AR and VR displays. Micro-LEDs can provide high brightness, fast response times, and efficient energy consumption, making them well-suited for use as the light source in these display systems.

By leveraging the unique properties of metasurfaces and micro-LEDs, display designers can address key challenges in AR and VR, such as achieving wide fields of view, large eyeboxes, high angular resolution, and effective depth cue reproduction, all while maintaining a compact and lightweight form factor.

Architectural Approaches for AR/VR Displays

To create high-performance AR and VR displays, researchers and engineers are exploring various architectural approaches, each with its own strengths and tradeoffs.

Light Engine Technologies

One crucial component of AR and VR displays is the

Light engine
, which generates the displayed imagery. Several technologies are being investigated for this purpose, including micro-LEDs,
Liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS)
Digital micromirror devices (DMDs)
, and
MEMS-based laser beam scanning (MEMS-LBS)

Each of these light engine technologies has its own performance characteristics in terms of luminous efficacy (light output per unit of power), frame rate, form factor, and contrast ratio. Understanding the tradeoffs between these metrics is essential for designing effective AR and VR display systems.

Free-space Combiners

Another key aspect of AR and VR display architectures is the use of

Free-space combiners
, which are optical elements that combine the virtual image with the real-world view. Several approaches have been explored, including traditional geometric designs,
Maxwellian-type systems
Pupil duplication and steering
, and
Pin-light systems

Each of these free-space combiner architectures offers unique advantages and disadvantages in terms of factors like field of view, eyebox size, light efficiency, and the ability to address the

Vergence-accommodation conflict
(the mismatch between the displayed imagery depth and the 3D content).

Waveguide Combiners

In addition to free-space combiners, waveguide-based approaches are also being investigated for AR and VR displays.

Diffractive waveguides
Achromatic waveguides
are two key technologies in this area.

Diffractive waveguides use gratings or volume gratings to trap and extract light, enabling compact and lightweight display designs. However, they face challenges in achieving large fields of view, uniform light output, and suppressing unwanted optical artifacts like light leakage and rainbow effects.

Achromatic waveguides, on the other hand, use a combination of mirrors or multiplexed

Polarization-dependent planar holographic optical elements (PPHOEs)
to provide superior image quality and higher efficiency compared to their diffractive counterparts, though the fabrication process may be more complex.

Emerging Technologies and Future Perspectives

The field of AR and VR displays is rapidly evolving, with a range of emerging technologies and innovative approaches being explored to address the key challenges in this domain.

In addition to the advancements in HOEs, metasurfaces, and micro-LEDs mentioned earlier, other promising technologies include subwavelength resonant gratings (SRGs), liquid crystal polarization optics, and various hybrid solutions that combine multiple optical components.

These emerging technologies hold the potential to enable the development of even more compact, high-performance, and versatile AR and VR display systems. As the field continues to progress, we can expect to see increasingly sophisticated and user-friendly interactive display solutions that can seamlessly integrate virtual and real-world experiences, transforming the way we interact with digital information and the world around us.