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Fluorinated Cations Enable Robust Lithium-Metal Batteries

Original Title

Robust Battery Interphases from Dilute Fluorinated Cations

  • Energy & Environmental Science
  • 3:24 Min.

Introduction to High-Energy Batteries

Batteries are essential for powering our modern devices, from smartphones to electric vehicles. As our reliance on technology grows, the demand for

high-energy batteries
that can store more power and last longer has become increasingly important. However, the current battery technologies come with some environmental and cost concerns.

Developing a New Approach for Robust Battery Performance

Researchers have been working on finding a solution to this problem, and they have presented a new approach that does not rely on high fractions of

fluorinated species
in the
. This is significant because using large amounts of fluorinated compounds can have a negative impact on the environment and increase the cost of producing high-energy batteries.

The researchers' strategy involves using very low fractions (around 0.1 percent by weight) of readily

reducible fluorinated cations
in the electrolyte. These cations are attracted to the surface of the battery's
, where they form a robust, fluorine-rich
solid electrolyte interphase
). This SEI layer helps prevent the growth of
, which are needle-like structures that can form on the anode and cause the battery to short-circuit.

Improving Oxidative Stability and Suppressing Corrosion

In addition to the SEI layer, the researchers also investigated the use of fluorinated cations, specifically TFP+, to improve the

oxidative stability
of the electrolyte. This is important because the electrolyte needs to be able to withstand the high voltages used by modern, high-energy

The researchers found that the addition of TFP+ and

perchlorate anions
to the electrolyte shifted the potential for oxidative decomposition to higher voltages, allowing the use of these high-voltage cathodes. Cells with the TFP-containing electrolyte demonstrated dramatically improved cycling stability, maintaining 94% of their discharge capacity after 275 cycles, compared to cells without the additive.

The presence of TFP+ also helped suppress the corrosion of the

aluminum current collector
, which can be caused by chlorine impurities in the electrolyte. This further contributes to the long-term stability and performance of the full battery cell.

Understanding the Mechanisms Behind the Improvements

To understand how the fluorinated cations were able to improve the battery's performance, the researchers conducted a series of experiments and computational modeling.

The experiments showed that the fluorinated cations undergo reduction at a higher potential than the electrolyte solvents and anions. This means that they are the first to be reduced, forming a robust and passivating

LiF-rich SEI
layer. This LiF-rich SEI prevents further decomposition of the electrolyte and enables stable cycling of the lithium metal anode for over 3000 hours.

The researchers also found that the TFP+ cations react with the

DME radicals
formed at the cathode surface to create a protective
cathode-electrolyte interphase
) rich in carbon-fluorine containing species. This CEI helps to suppress the oxidative decomposition of the ether-based electrolyte and the corrosion of the aluminum current collector.

Reducing Costs and Environmental Impact

The key advantage of this approach is that it can deliver the desired chemical species to the battery's electrodes through electrostatic attraction, while using only a very small amount of additive. This is in contrast to the traditional approach of using high fractions of fluorinated compounds, which can be more expensive and have a larger environmental footprint.

By using a minimal amount of fluorinated cations, the researchers were able to achieve high

coulombic efficiencies
of 99.6% for
lithium plating and stripping
, which is comparable to the best-performing electrolytes containing high concentrations of fluorinated species. This means that the battery can be charged and discharged efficiently, further improving its overall performance and lifespan.


In summary, the researchers have developed a new approach to enable robust battery performance that does not rely on high fractions of fluorinated species in the electrolyte. By using a small amount of readily reducible fluorinated cations, they were able to form protective SEI and CEI layers that improved the battery's cycling stability, coulombic efficiency, and resistance to corrosion.

This strategy represents a significant step forward in the development of high-energy batteries, as it can notably reduce the costs and environmental impact of implementing these technologies. The researchers' work demonstrates that high fractions of fluorinated species are not necessary to generate robust battery interphases, paving the way for more sustainable and cost-effective high-energy battery solutions.