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Mammalian Brain-Body Mass Relationship Revealed as Curvilinear

Original Title

Co-evolutionary dynamics of mammalian brain and body size

  • Nature Portfolio
  • 3:49 Min.

Curvilinear Relationship Between Brain and Body Mass

For a long time, scientists have used a simple mathematical model to describe the relationship between the size of an animal's brain and its body. This model assumed a straightforward, linear connection - as an animal's body gets bigger, its brain gets bigger too, but at a slower rate. However, a new study has challenged this conventional view, demonstrating that the real relationship is more complex and

in nature.

The researchers found that the connection between brain and body mass does not follow a straight line, but rather a curved,

pattern. This means that as an animal's body gets larger, the rate at which its brain size increases actually starts to slow down. Larger-bodied mammals, such as elephants and whales, exhibit a lower rate of increase in brain mass relative to their body mass compared to smaller animals.

This curvilinear pattern helps explain a puzzle that has long puzzled scientists - the variability in the

scaling coefficients
(the rate of increase) observed across different groups of mammals. The new findings suggest that this variability is not random, but rather a consequence of the underlying curvilinear relationship between brain and body size.

Varying Rates of Relative Brain Mass Evolution

By accounting for this curvilinear scaling relationship, the researchers were able to reveal dramatic differences in the rates of relative brain mass evolution across the mammalian family tree. Contrary to the long-held

Marsh-Lartet rule
, which proposed an overall trend towards increasing relative brain size over time, the study found that this trend is only supported in three mammalian orders - rodents, carnivores, and most notably, primates.

In primates, over 80% of the evolutionary branches showed an increase in brain mass compared to body mass. Primates also exhibited the highest relative change in brain size compared to body size among all the mammalian orders studied. This rapid and unique directional increase in relative brain mass in primates is believed to have set the stage for the exceptional computational powers of the human brain.

Heterogeneity in Evolutionary Rates

The study also examined the rates of relative brain mass evolution across the entire mammalian

phylogenetic tree
(the evolutionary family tree). The researchers found substantial variation, with some orders like primates, rodents, and carnivores exhibiting particularly high rates of brain mass evolution relative to body mass.

In contrast, bats showed an overall lower rate of brain mass evolution compared to other mammals. The researchers suggest this may be due to evolutionary constraints associated with the demands of flight, which could limit the extent to which bat brains can increase in size.

Challenging Established Theoretical Expectations

The findings of this study challenge the established theoretical expectations for the relationship between brain and body mass. The researchers demonstrate that this relationship does not conform to the expected power-law pattern, where brain size scales as a fixed proportion of body size.

Instead, the apparent "taxon-level effect" - the differences observed in brain-body scaling across different mammalian groups - can be explained by the curvilinear nature of the underlying relationship, combined with the general trend for body size to increase over evolutionary time.

Trends in Relative Brain Mass Evolution

The study's most significant finding is that significant long-term evolutionary trends towards increasing relative brain mass are only observed in three mammalian orders: rodents, carnivores, and primates. This contradicts the long-standing Marsh-Lartet rule, which had suggested a universal trend towards larger brains relative to body size across all mammals.

In primates, in particular, the researchers found that over 80% of evolutionary branches showed an increase in brain mass compared to body mass. Primates also exhibited the highest relative change in brain size compared to body size among all the orders studied.

Implications and Contributions

These findings have important implications for our understanding of brain evolution. They indicate that the Marsh-Lartet rule, which had been widely accepted, is not a universal phenomenon but rather a characteristic of only a few mammalian orders.

The study provides valuable insights into the complex and variable patterns of brain size evolution across the

mammalian radiation
. By challenging the conventional models and revealing the curvilinear nature of the brain-body mass relationship, the researchers have opened up new avenues for exploring the factors that have shaped the remarkable diversity of brain sizes observed in mammals.

Moreover, the authors' results contribute to a growing body of evidence suggesting that curvilinear mass dependence is a common feature in

allometric relationships
(the study of how different parts of an organism scale with each other) across a wide range of biological phenomena and species. This shifts attention away from the assumption that simple power-law associations are the norm, and highlights the need to seek a deeper understanding of the theoretical and empirical underpinnings of these more complex curvilinear patterns.

In conclusion, this study represents a significant advancement in our understanding of brain evolution in mammals. By challenging the conventional wisdom and revealing the true complexity of the brain-body mass relationship, the researchers have laid the groundwork for a more nuanced and accurate understanding of how the remarkable diversity of mammalian brain sizes has evolved over millions of years.