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Consumers Receptive to Cow-Free Cheese in Germany

Original Title

Beyond the Cow: Consumer Perceptions and Information Impact on Acceptance of Precision Fermentation-produced Cheese in Germany

  • Future Foods
  • 3:52 Min.

Introduction: Sustainable Dairy Alternatives Gain Traction

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards plant-based and animal-free food options, driven by increasing awareness of the negative environmental and animal welfare impacts of traditional animal-based products. This has led to a rise in the number of vegetarians and vegans, particularly in Germany.

Alternative dairy products, such as those produced through a process called

precision fermentation (PF)
, are gaining popularity as they are perceived to be more sustainable and ethical compared to traditional dairy products. PF has the potential to create non-animal-based dairy products that are virtually indistinguishable from traditional dairy in terms of taste, structure, and nutritional components, while being more environmentally friendly.

However, the marketing and adoption of PF-based products face some challenges. There is regulatory uncertainty in the European Union regarding the authorization process for the production of animal-like proteins. Despite generally positive attitudes towards PF products, the perceived unnaturalness of the resulting products and concerns about regulation and labeling pose barriers to their acceptance. This suggests the need for consumer education and information to address these concerns and increase the adoption of PF-based alternatives.

Understanding Consumer Perceptions and Acceptance of PF Cheese

To better understand the factors that shape consumer acceptance of animal-free dairy products, researchers conducted a study on consumer perceptions and the impact of information on the acceptance of PF-produced cheese in Germany.

Survey Design and Methodology

The study involved a survey of 2,035 German consumers, who were randomly assigned to different groups and provided with varying levels of information about PF technology. The survey collected data on the participants' sociodemographic characteristics, dietary patterns, attitudes towards agriculture and sustainability, and their familiarity with PF technology.

Participants were then asked about their willingness to try, buy, substitute, and pay more for PF cheese, as well as their perceptions of the potential benefits and risks associated with the technology, such as impacts on animal welfare, farmers' livelihoods, food quality, land use, and market power.

The researchers used a range of validated scales to measure these attitudes and perceptions, and assessed how they changed after providing information about PF technology.

Consumption and Purchasing Preferences

The study found that the majority of participants (71%) regularly consume animal-based products, with cheese being an especially important food item for 79% of them. When purchasing cheese, the participants placed the greatest importance on taste (95% extremely or very important) and good animal husbandry (64% extremely or very important), while the type of packaging (28% extremely or very important) and brand (24% extremely or very important) were less significant factors.

Interestingly, the majority of participants (81%) were unfamiliar with the term "precision fermentation" prior to the study, and another 16% had heard of it but did not understand its meaning.

Perception of Benefits and Risks

The study examined the perception of benefits and risks associated with PF cheese and their influence on consumer acceptance. The researchers found that the greatest perceived benefit of the technology was its sustainability aspects, such as reducing the number of cows kept in stables and deforestation. The greatest perceived risk, on the other hand, was the threat to farmers' livelihoods, followed by the risk of companies with corresponding patents becoming too powerful.

The perception of benefits, especially consistent quality and environmental benefits, had a stronger positive influence on acceptance than the perception of risks. The threat to farmers' livelihoods had the strongest negative influence on acceptance.

Acceptance of PF Cheese

The study found that while over half of respondents (57%) were willing to try PF cheese, a smaller percentage were willing to buy it regularly (32%), use it as a complete substitute for dairy cheese (24%), or pay more for it (14%).

The information provided to respondents, particularly regarding the use of

genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
in the production process, had a slight negative impact on their willingness to try the PF cheese, but did not significantly affect their willingness to buy, substitute, or pay more for it.

Factors Influencing Acceptance

The study found that the perception of potential benefits has a stronger influence on consumer acceptance of PF cheese than the perception of risks. Consistent quality was identified as the benefit with the highest impact on acceptance, as it may be associated with consistent taste, which is an important factor for consumers.

While sustainability aspects like animal welfare and environmental impact also significantly increased acceptance, they had a slightly lower effect than consistent quality. The study also found that concerns about threats to farmers' livelihoods and the market power of large corporations negatively affected consumer acceptance, as consumers tend to view corporate dominance in the food industry unfavorably.

Interestingly, the loss of natural influences on the quality of PF cheese was not seen as a major risk, though it still had a negative influence on acceptance. Additionally, demographic factors such as gender and dietary habits (e.g., being vegetarian or

) were found to impact acceptance levels, though to a lesser extent than the risk and benefit perceptions.

Implications and Recommendations

This study provides valuable insights to guide the successful marketing and communication of PF cheese and similar innovative food products. To promote greater acceptance and facilitate the transition to more sustainable food systems, stakeholders should address consumer concerns, leverage perceived benefits, and tailor communication strategies to specific consumer segments.

Specifically, the study highlights the importance of communicating tangible benefits like animal welfare, sustainability, and consistent quality, as well as addressing concerns related to farmers' livelihoods and corporate market power to foster greater consumer trust and confidence in novel food innovations.

As authorization procedures for these products are being rapidly accelerated in European countries, where they are not yet commercially available, the findings of this study can help inform marketing and communication strategies to ensure a smooth and successful introduction of PF cheese and other animal-free dairy products.