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AI Predicts Soil Liquefaction Risks for Resilient Cities

Original Title

AI-Driven Prediction and Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Risks for Enhancing Earthquake Resilience in Smart Cities

  • Smart Cities
  • 4:01 Min.


Imagine a city that can anticipate and adapt to natural disasters, safeguarding its residents and infrastructure. This is the vision behind a groundbreaking study that leverages advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance urban resilience against the devastating effects of

soil liquefaction

Soil liquefaction is a significant natural hazard that can cause severe damage during earthquakes. When the ground becomes saturated and loses its strength, buildings and infrastructure can collapse, leading to catastrophic consequences. This study focuses on developing a novel AI-driven predictive model that can generate detailed hazard maps, empowering city planners and engineers to make informed decisions that prioritize safety and sustainability.

By harnessing sophisticated AI algorithms, the researchers have created a system that can analyze extensive geotechnical and geographic data, providing a more precise, dynamic, and comprehensive assessment of liquefaction risks. This is particularly crucial for cities like Yokohama, Japan, which are known for their extensive reclaimed lands and high susceptibility to these hazards.

The AI-driven predictive model integrates various databases, including real-time geological surveys and seismic records, to identify specific high-risk areas. This allows for the proactive planning of effective countermeasures, such as reinforcing infrastructure or implementing evacuation strategies, ultimately enhancing the overall resilience of the urban environment.

AI-Driven Predictive Models

At the heart of this study lies the use of

ensemble machine learning
, a powerful technique that combines the strengths of multiple machine learning models to achieve better performance and generalization than individual models. By training a
neural network
and a
gradient boosting decision trees
model together, the researchers were able to create a highly accurate and reliable predictive system.

The key advantage of ensemble learning is its ability to address the limitations of individual models, such as high variance or bias. By integrating the predictions of multiple models, the ensemble approach can effectively reduce these errors, leading to more accurate and robust results.

Ensemble learning is particularly beneficial when working with limited or unevenly distributed datasets, as is the case in this study. The researchers leveraged ensemble techniques to generate training sets through random sampling, effectively addressing the challenges posed by data scarcity and improving the overall reliability of the predictive results.

Soil Liquefaction Risk Prediction with AI-Driven Predictive Model

To assess the risk of soil liquefaction, the researchers utilized the soil

liquefaction potential index (LPI)
, a widely recognized metric in
geotechnical engineering
. The AI-driven predictive model was trained on data from
geological columnar sections
, including information on soil properties such as
(a measure of soil strength) and
soil classification

The predicted data from the model was then incorporated into the LPI calculation to determine the likelihood of soil liquefaction occurring at various depths within the target location of Yokohama. A key factor in this analysis was the

factor of safety against liquefaction (FL)
, with an FL value of 1.0 or less indicating a high risk of liquefaction.

To further refine the analysis, the study considered two specific types of earthquake ground motions: Type I for large

plate-boundary earthquakes
and Type II for
inland earthquakes
. This classification helped the researchers tailor their predictions to the unique seismic risks associated with the frequency and duration of ground shaking in the Yokohama region.

Results and Discussion

The AI-driven predictive model demonstrated impressive performance in forecasting the distribution of N-values and soil classifications based on the geotechnical data. The researchers found that the accuracy of the N-value predictions increased as more data points were available, and that predictions in deeper ground could be made with relatively high accuracy.

Regarding soil classification, the model was particularly adept at identifying the presence of clay and bedrock layers, outperforming other prediction procedures. This ability to accurately classify soil types is crucial for infrastructure planning and development, as it allows for the identification of suitable load-bearing layers and the assessment of liquefaction risks.

The study also compared the predictive performance of two models, one using data from 117 sites and the other using data from all 214 sites. The researchers determined that the model with more data (Model 2) achieved higher accuracy and was selected for the final predictions, highlighting the importance of data quantity and quality in enhancing the reliability of AI-driven models.

Soil Liquefaction Risk Mapping

One of the key outputs of this study was the creation of detailed soil liquefaction risk maps using the AI-driven predictive model. These maps offer several advantages over traditional liquefaction risk assessment methods, including the ability to dynamically update and refine predictions as new data becomes available.

The AI-driven model's capacity to process large datasets enables the analysis of complex variables and interactions, resulting in more comprehensive and accurate risk assessments. These maps can contribute to improved emergency preparedness and response strategies, as well as proactive city planning by identifying potential liquefaction zones to avoid high-risk areas or implement mitigation measures.

When compared to the existing official liquefaction risk maps published by Yokohama, the self-created maps generated by the AI-driven model provided a more detailed and nuanced understanding of the potential hazards. This demonstrates the transformative potential of integrating AI into geotechnical engineering, marking a pivotal shift toward more intelligent, responsive, and resilient urban environments.


This groundbreaking study has showcased the power of AI in enhancing urban resilience against natural disasters like soil liquefaction. By developing a novel predictive model that leverages ensemble machine learning techniques, the researchers have created a tool that can generate detailed hazard maps, empowering city planners and engineers to make informed decisions that prioritize safety and sustainability.

The findings of this study highlight the importance of data quantity and quality in improving the accuracy of AI-driven predictions. The researchers also identified the most effective prediction procedure, which estimates soil properties from 20 meters below to 1 meter above ground while incorporating learning from deeper results.

As the world continues to grapple with the challenges posed by natural hazards, the integration of AI into geotechnical engineering represents a transformative development. This study serves as a testament to the immense potential of smart technologies in creating more resilient and adaptable cities, paving the way for a future where urban centers can anticipate and mitigate the devastating effects of soil liquefaction and other natural disasters.