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3D Earth Structure Impacts Antarctic Ice Loss and Sea Levels

Original Title

The influence of realistic 3D mantle viscosity on Antarctica’s contribution to future global sea levels

  • Science
  • 3:56 Min.


This study examines how the complex

3D structure of the Earth's mantle
Antarctica's contribution
to future
global sea level rise
. By using advanced computer models that combine the dynamics of the
Antarctic ice sheet
with the deformation of the Earth's surface, the researchers were able to get a more accurate picture of how melting ice in Antarctica will impact sea levels around the world.

The key finding is that including the 3D structure of the Earth's mantle in the models, rather than using a simpler

1D model
, can significantly change the projected amount of
sea level rise
from the melting of the Antarctic ice sheet. This is because the 3D mantle structure affects how quickly the land in Antarctica rises up as the heavy ice melts, which in turn impacts how much water is released into the oceans.

Key Findings

The researchers found that including the 3D viscous (or fluid-like) properties of the Earth's mantle in their models led to some important effects:

  1. Rapid uplift in the

    marine sectors
    of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: As the heavy ice melts, the land underneath rapidly rises up, reducing the projected ice loss in low-emission climate scenarios. This can lower Antarctica's contribution to global sea level rise by up to 40% in the coming centuries.

  2. Amplified sea level rise in

    high-emission scenarios
    : However, in high-emission scenarios where
    ice retreat
    is rapid, the uplift of the land cannot keep up. This causes water to be expelled from the exposed Antarctic seafloor as it rebounds, amplifying the overall sea level rise.

These findings highlight the critical importance of accurately representing the 3D structure and

viscous properties
of the Earth when assessing how the melting of the Antarctic ice sheet will impact future global sea levels. Simplistic 1D models of the Earth's structure are not enough to capture these complex interactions.

Modeling Framework

The researchers used a comprehensive modeling approach that combined three key components:

  1. A

    dynamic ice sheet model
    that simulates the continental-wide and detailed regional ice dynamics of the Antarctic Ice Sheet under different climate change scenarios.

  2. A 3D global

    glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA)
    model that calculates how the Earth's surface deforms in response to changes in the ice sheet.

  3. A detailed 3D representation of the Earth's viscoelastic (elastic and viscous) structure, including

    lateral variations in mantle viscosity
    based on
    seismic data
    , particularly focused on the complex features in the
    Antarctic region

By coupling this ice sheet model with the 3D GIA model, the researchers were able to assess how the interactions between the ice sheet and the deforming Earth impact future sea level changes.

Coupling Procedure

The modeling process involved an iterative coupling between the ice sheet model and the 3D GIA model:

  1. The ice sheet model calculates changes in
    ice thickness
    over time.
  2. These ice thickness changes are used as input to the 3D GIA model, which then computes the resulting global changes in sea level and land elevation.
  3. The GIA results are then fed back into the ice sheet model to update the
    bedrock elevation
  4. This coupling process is repeated several times to allow the models to converge on a consistent set of ice volume and sea level projections.

This iterative approach ensures that the dynamic feedbacks between the ice sheet and the deforming Earth are properly accounted for in the final sea level rise projections.

ΔGMSL Calculations

The researchers used a specialized method to calculate the contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to

global mean sea level change (ΔGMSL)
. This method includes an important "
water expulsion
" effect, where changes in the elevation of the Antarctic seafloor can displace water into or out of the world's oceans.

Additionally, the researchers applied a small "

density correction
" to account for the difference in density between fresh meltwater from the ice sheet and the existing ocean water. This correction is relatively minor, amounting to around 5% or less of the total ΔGMSL.


The key implication of this study is that accurately representing the 3D structure and viscous properties of the Earth's mantle is critical for reducing uncertainty in projections of future sea level rise from the melting of the Antarctic ice sheet.

Simplistic 1D models of the Earth's structure fail to capture important regional features and dynamics that can significantly alter the projected ice loss and sea level changes. Accounting for lateral variations in Earth structure, particularly in regions like the

Amundsen Sea Embayment
West Antarctica
where observations are sparse, is essential for improving the reliability of ice sheet and sea level rise projections.

Overall, this study highlights the importance of using comprehensive, coupled modeling frameworks that integrate the latest understanding of ice sheet dynamics and Earth system processes to better anticipate the future impacts of climate change on global sea levels.