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AI-Powered Tongue Diagnosis: Revolutionizing TCM

Original Title

Tongue Disease Prediction Based on Machine Learning Algorithms

  • Technologies
  • 3:46 Min.

The Importance of Tongue Examination in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
has a long and rich history, dating back over 2,000 years. At the heart of this ancient practice is the examination of the tongue, which is seen as a valuable tool for detecting and monitoring various health conditions. The tongue's unique features and characteristics are closely connected to the body's internal organs, providing TCM practitioners with crucial insights into a patient's overall well-being.

One of the most important aspects of

tongue diagnosis
in TCM is the color of the tongue. The color of the tongue can reveal a lot about a person's health status. For example, a yellow coating on the tongue is often associated with diabetes mellitus, while a purple tongue with a thick fatty layer can be a symptom of cancer. Patients with acute stroke may also present an unusually shaped red tongue. These distinct tongue characteristics serve as reliable indicators of the body's internal conditions, allowing TCM practitioners to make informed clinical decisions without the need for invasive procedures.

Advancements in Automated Tongue Diagnosis

In recent years, researchers have made significant advancements in the use of

computer vision systems
for analyzing and evaluating the color of the tongue, with applications in diagnosing various health conditions. Several studies have explored different approaches, including
statistical mapping
machine learning
, and
deep learning models
, to detect and classify diseases based on tongue features and color.

These studies have demonstrated promising results in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in diagnosing conditions like diabetes,

, and
severity. However, one of the key challenges that these studies have overlooked is the impact of lighting conditions on the colors of the tongue. Variations in lighting can lead to inaccurate diagnoses, as the perceived color of the tongue may not accurately reflect the true internal conditions.

To address this issue, researchers have proposed a live imaging system that uses a laptop, a webcam, and MAT

software to capture and analyze tongue images in real-time. This system was tested on 60 abnormal tongue images collected from hospitals in Iraq, which included patients with various conditions such as diabetes, fungal infections, asthma, COVID-19, and anemia. The study adhered to ethical standards and obtained written consent from all participants.

The Tongue Diagnosis System

The proposed tongue diagnosis system uses a combination of image processing and machine learning techniques to analyze the color of the tongue and predict the patient's health status.

Image Analysis

The system first captures an image of the patient's tongue and uses

image segmentation
to isolate the central region of interest. It then converts the image from the
color space to other models like
, HVS, LAB, and YIQ to extract more detailed color information. The intensity values from these color channels are used to train various machine learning algorithms.

Tongue Color as a Diagnostic Indicator

The researchers have compiled a comprehensive table that links different tongue colors to various health conditions. For example, a yellow tongue may indicate diabetes, a green tongue may suggest a fungal infection, and a purple tongue with a thick fatty layer could be a symptom of cancer. By analyzing the color of the tongue, the system can provide valuable insights into the patient's overall health status.

MATLAB-based Graphical Interface

The tongue diagnosis system is implemented through a MATLAB-based graphical interface that allows users to capture a tongue image, analyze its color features, and determine the patient's health status. This automated approach aims to enhance the reliability and accuracy of traditional Chinese medicine practices that rely heavily on subjective visual assessment of the tongue.

Machine Learning Algorithms for Tongue Diagnosis

The researchers evaluated the performance of six different machine learning algorithms to determine the best approach for detecting and classifying tongue colors:

  1. Naive Bayes Classifier
    : A probabilistic approach to classification based on Bayes' theorem, making strong assumptions of independence between features.

  2. Support Vector Machine (SVM)
    : A supervised learning algorithm that constructs a hyperplane to maximize the margin between two classes.

  3. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Classification
    : Identifies the k nearest neighbors to an unknown instance and uses their class labels to determine the class of the unknown.

  4. Decision Tree (DT) Classification
    : A commonly used data mining algorithm that generates classification models by recursively partitioning the data based on feature thresholds.

  5. Random Forest (RF)
    : An ensemble of decision trees, providing greater accuracy than a single decision tree.

  6. Extreme Gradient Boost (XGBoost)
    : A highly efficient and scalable tree boosting framework that demonstrates strong performance across various domains.

The researchers carefully tuned the parameters of each algorithm to optimize their performance in detecting and classifying tongue colors. They used a variety of evaluation metrics, such as accuracy,

Jaccard index
, and
Cohen's kappa
, to assess the predictive capacity of the models.

Experimental Results and Discussion

The results of the study showed that the XGBoost algorithm outperformed the other machine learning techniques in terms of accuracy, precision, and recall. The proposed imaging system was also tested in real-time, accurately diagnosing 58 out of 60 images with a 96.6% detection accuracy rate.

The system was able to correctly identify patients with abnormal yellow and green tongues as having diabetes and a mycotic infection, respectively, demonstrating its effectiveness in detecting various health conditions based on tongue color analysis. These findings confirm the viability of AI-based tongue diagnosis as a secure, efficient, user-friendly, and cost-effective approach for medical screening and disease detection.


The study highlights the potential of automated tongue diagnosis systems in enhancing the reliability and accuracy of traditional Chinese medicine practices. By leveraging advancements in artificial intelligence and camera technologies, the proposed system was able to detect different ailments with over 98% accuracy, providing a valuable tool for medical professionals and patients alike.

The ability to accurately diagnose various health conditions, including diabetes, fungal infections, asthma, COVID-19, and anemia, based on the color of the tongue is a testament to the deep connection between the tongue and the body's internal state. This non-invasive, secure, and efficient approach to medical screening and disease detection holds great promise for the future of healthcare, making it more accessible and effective for people around the world.