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Genes Reveal How Humans Adapted to Agriculture

Original Title

Recurrent evolution and selection shape structural diversity at the amylase locus

  • Nature
  • 4:14 Min.

Ever wondered why some people can't get enough of bread and pasta, while others seem indifferent to starchy foods? The answer might lie in our genes, specifically those responsible for producing amylase - the enzyme that helps us digest starch. Recent research has uncovered a fascinating link between our evolutionary history, diet, and the number of amylase genes we possess.

Humans show remarkable diversity in their amylase gene copy numbers. While most genes come in pairs, one from each parent, amylase genes can range from just two copies to a whopping twenty. This variation isn't random. It turns out that populations with agricultural diets tend to have more copies of amylase genes, particularly the AMY1 gene. In contrast, those who traditionally relied on fishing, hunting, or herding have fewer copies.

But why does this matter? More gene copies often mean more enzyme production, potentially allowing for better starch digestion. This pattern suggests a fascinating example of human evolution in response to dietary changes. As our ancestors transitioned from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to agriculture, those with more amylase genes might have had a nutritional advantage, leading to the spread of these genetic variations.

The researchers didn't stop at just counting gene copies. They delved deeper, uncovering a complex landscape of genetic arrangements in the amylase region. They identified 28 unique structural arrangements, or haplotypes, falling into 11 main groups. These haplotypes vary not only in the number of gene copies but also in the size of the gene region itself, ranging from about 95,000 to 471,000 DNA base pairs.

To study these variations in large populations, the team developed a new method called "haplotype deconvolution." This technique allowed them to analyze over 7,000 haplotypes from diverse populations worldwide, confirming the link between agricultural diets and higher amylase gene copy numbers.

But when did this genetic shift occur? To answer this question, the researchers turned to ancient DNA, analyzing 533 genomes from West Eurasia spanning the last 12,000 years. They discovered a significant increase in amylase gene copy numbers over time, with the AMY1 gene showing the most dramatic rise - an average increase of nearly three copies.

This genetic shift appears to have started around 9,000 years ago, coinciding with the spread of agriculture in West Eurasia. Statistical analyses provided strong evidence that natural selection favored increased amylase gene copies during this period. The strength of this selection is comparable to other well-known cases of dietary adaptation, such as the ability to digest milk in adulthood.

Interestingly, the strength of this selection seems to have weakened in recent times. This could mean that having more amylase genes is less advantageous now than it was in the past, perhaps due to changes in our modern diet and food processing techniques.

The global prevalence of high-copy amylase haplotypes in agricultural populations suggests that this genetic adaptation may have occurred independently multiple times throughout human history, coinciding with the adoption of agriculture in different parts of the world.

This research offers a captivating glimpse into the interplay between human genetics, culture, and environment. It demonstrates how changes in diet can drive genetic changes in populations, highlighting the ongoing process of human evolution. As we continue to uncover more examples of how our genes have been shaped by our lifestyles, we gain valuable insights not only into our past but also into potential approaches for nutrition and health in the future.

So, the next time you bite into a piece of bread, remember - your ability to enjoy and digest it might be the result of thousands of years of genetic adaptation, a testament to the remarkable plasticity of the human genome in the face of cultural and environmental changes.