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Unraveling the Microbial Secrets of Oncom, a Unique Indonesian Fermented Soybean Cake

Original Title

Neurospora intermedia from a traditional fermented food enables waste-to-food conversion

  • Nature Microbiology
  • 4:11 Min.

Ever wondered about the hidden world of microbes in your food? Today, we're diving into the fascinating realm of oncom, a traditional Indonesian fermented soybean cake. Researchers have embarked on an ambitious journey to unravel the genetic secrets and aromatic mysteries of this unique food.

At the heart of this study is a comprehensive analysis of oncom's microbial community. Scientists extracted DNA from oncom samples and used cutting-edge sequencing techniques to read the genetic code of its microscopic inhabitants. This metagenome sequencing provides a snapshot of all the microorganisms present in oncom, offering insights into the complex ecosystem that gives this food its distinctive properties.

But the research didn't stop there. The team also focused on okara, the soybean pulp left over from making soy milk. They fermented okara using solid-state fermentation, a process that transforms this humble byproduct into something potentially more valuable.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this study was the analysis of volatile aromas. These are the compounds that give foods their characteristic smells. Using sophisticated techniques like gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, researchers identified the specific molecules responsible for oncom's unique scent profile. They even conducted sensory analysis, where human participants evaluated the smell, taste, and texture of the fermented okara.

The study delved deeper, examining the nutritional components of both raw and fermented okara. They looked at compounds like ergothioneine, an antioxidant, and free amino acids, which are important for flavor and nutrition. The researchers also created detailed sugar profiles, mapping out both free sugars and those bound to pectin, a complex carbohydrate found in plant cell walls.

A star of this microbial show is Neurospora intermedia, a fungus found in oncom. The researchers sequenced its entire genome, creating a high-quality genetic map of this important microorganism. They didn't stop with just one strain, though. Multiple strains of N. intermedia were sequenced, allowing for comparative genomic analysis that revealed the genetic diversity within this species.

To understand how N. intermedia behaves in different environments, the team grew it on various carbon sources. They then extracted and analyzed its RNA, providing insights into which genes are active under different conditions. This led to the creation of a co-expression network, a complex web showing how different genes work together.

One particularly interesting finding was the confirmation of cellulase activity in N. intermedia. Cellulases are enzymes that break down cellulose, a major component of plant cell walls. This discovery suggests that N. intermedia could potentially be used in industrial applications to break down plant material.

So why does all this matter? This research opens up new possibilities for food science and biotechnology. By understanding the microbes involved in traditional fermentation processes, we can potentially develop new, more efficient ways of producing nutritious and flavorful foods. The detailed analysis of aromas and nutritional components could lead to the creation of novel food products or improvements to existing ones.

Moreover, the genetic insights gained from this study could have far-reaching implications. The ability of N. intermedia to produce cellulases, for instance, could be harnessed for biofuel production or other industrial processes that require the breakdown of plant material.

As we continue to explore the microscopic world around us, studies like this remind us of the incredible complexity and potential hidden in our food. From traditional fermented products to cutting-edge biotechnology, the microbes that have been our unseen companions for millennia are now revealing their secrets, promising a future where we can better harness their power for the benefit of humanity.